I don't have any children, but if I did, I would certainly want what was best for them. We all want what is best for our kids, right? I even want the best for your children...for all children. The state of our country and our world today is not one that shows great concern for future generations. Frankly, it shows no concern at all for the present generation.
For the children of our country and our world... I'm not concerned with leaving them great personal wealth; I'm concerned with not allowing them to inherit great debt. After we are gone, our children should be left with a country and an economy that is healthy and unencumbered by the debt which is left in the wake of greed, entitlement, and profound ignorance of sound fiscal policy. I'm concerned that they have the same rights and privileges that past generations have possessed...the right to work hard, earn, and be rewarded for achieving...not for breathing. For that to take place, our economy cannot be crippled with debt. At present, we are failing at this on a scale that defies explanation. I'm concerned that our children have the right to establish their own financial security without having to spend their lifetime paying off the high premium of this generations fiscal ignorance. I'm not concerned with leaving our children with a world of peace, because there will never be complete peace on this earth prior to Christ reigning. I am concerned with leaving them a country that has a military strong enough and capable enough to not just fight any enemy, but to leave that enemy cowering in fear at the very thought of engaging the United States of America. Ronald Reagan said "peace through strength." He was right. When America is weak, the world explodes. This is evidenced by what we see happening in our present day. The people who fail to see that are simply not looking, or they refuse to engage in practical common sense, because the lords of their ideology will not grant them permission to do so. I'm concerned that our children have the right to live in well-defended freedom. I'm not concerned with our children having families. What I am concerned about is the right of an unborn child to not be harvested directly from the womb for organs. We do not have the moral right to grow children to be picked like vegetables...for our use, our consumption, and for corporate profit. Tolerance of this by our society is something that should redefine the word 'shame.' Playing God with the life of the innocent...where do we go from here? I'm concerned that our children have respect for human life of all ages, from birth through death, and that they honor and respect the sanctity of the lives of the innocent and unborn. I'm not concerned with the fact that black lives matter. The fact is, all lives matter. Black lives, white lives, the life of the unborn...every life. When human beings have to apologize for saying that 'all lives matter,' then political correctness has again gone too far. It has served its purpose of deliberately clouding the truth with fear. I am unapologetic in my stance that every life created by God matters. If every life doesn't matter to you, then I can assure you that all lives matter to God. If the statement that 'all lives matter' offends you, then I would encourage you to dig down deep inside of your racial and political agenda and find some courage to be a decent human being. We are all created by God, and we all matter. I'm concerned that our children understand that racism in any form is a means to the destruction of all involved. I'm not concerned with our children being a conservative or a liberal, a Republican, a Democrat, or a Libertarian. I'm concerned that our children will freely have the right to think and vote their moral beliefs, because they have been afforded the right to an education taught without bias. Obama, Trump, Clinton, Bush...none of these politicians are ethically sound or morally right, and they are certainly not the great hope for the future days of our country. In fact, they are all part of the problem. They, along with the rest of the elected political class have helped to author the declining America we live in today. The great hope for the political future of this Republic is the well-educated mind of the American citizen. The incompetence shown from the elected offices of power in Washington is a reflection that America is not thinking. Year after year, term after term, we reelect the same incompetence to do the same incompetent things. If we're angry about the current political climate, then we should internalize that anger into catalyzing some cognitive thought, and we need to become smarter about who we believe, who we elect, and how their performance should be evaluated. I'm concerned that our children are not taught what to think...but how to think. I'm not concerned with all of our children being Christians. I'm a follow of Christ, and it would certainly be my desire that every man, woman and child come to know Christ as I have, but I know that will never be the case. What I am concerned about is that our children will have the right to be Christians in a 'Christian' nation. I'm concerned that they will have the right to live out their relationship with God in the absence of the threat of being tortured or beheaded. I'm concerned that they have the right to worship and to serve God without the government stepping in to inhibit their freedoms while promoting the freedoms of other religions. I'm concerned that they have the right to honor God in their life without being dishonored by their nation. The ultimate test of a moral society is reflected in the world that society passes down to its children. Today, we are leaving little of value to the future generation. Our greed, our wars, our attitudes of entitlement, our disregard for the sanctity of human life, the purposely stirred racism, and our tolerance of the deliberate removal of God from our society has caught up with us. We are no longer a unified people. Frankly, we are no longer a moral nation that raises the bar for the rest of the world. We should remember from where we have fallen and seek to again engage in the things that once made this nation great. Among things of value...freedom, sound fiscal policy, a strong defense, sanctity of life, etc...the greatest deficit in our nation is the lack of fear in the authority of Almighty God. It required a people of faith and conviction in God to build a nation so great, and it will again require a people of faith and conviction to rebuild that once great nation. Honestly, I'm not sure that we ever will, but I am certain that our divergence from God is the marker by which our current situation is defined. When we fail to honor God as a country, God will not honor us. In our pursuits that run contrary to God, we find limited hope for our future and the future of our children. In God, we find limitless hope. "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." – 2 Chronicles 7:14 God can salvage that which we have wasted. He can rebuild what we have destroyed. And, from among the ruins, He can again bless and prosper this nation. Our Godless, independent spirit has caused us to pay a great price, but that price can be redeemed if we will answer the call of 2 Chronicles 7:14. I'm an American. I am fiercely patriotic. I love our country. However, I am not concerned with seeing our nation rise again to greatness. I am concerned with seeing our nation rise to honor God. Greatness will come, but not at the expense of Godlessness. I am concerned with the future that we leave to our children. Every generation has left behind a better America...until now. May God be honored in our country, and may He bless us because we honor Him.
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AuthorKeith Beatty is a Worship, Missions and Media Pastor living in North Alabama. He's excited and very humbled to be a follower of Jesus Christ! Archives
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