This has been a tough few months. The American voter has been bombarded with what could reasonable be called the most divisive Presidential election in our history. It's been ugly. Two pitifully mediocre candidates traveled the country slinging stinging insults and accusations across previously well drawn party lines…the result…chaos on all fronts. Sadly, all of their accusations regarding the other were probably true. We have a deficit of rain in the southeast…a bad deficit. It’s dry; the mountains are on fire from South Carolina to Alabama, and my yard is a bit crunchy. The Georgia Bulldogs can’t seem to win a game this year, and, oh, by the way, my father had heart failure. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse… I could go on, but I won’t. There’s already enough bad news in the world, and even it is reported inaccurately by the mainstream media. So, let’s concentrate on something good for a moment…please. Invariably, bad times arrive. When they do, it’s not with a gentle knock, instead, the bad times kick the front door down, track muddy footprints on the carpet, and they leave the refrigerator door open, directly after drinking straight out of the milk jug. The bad times are unwanted visitors in our life who, like your crazy uncle, come for a quick visit, and six months later they just can’t seem to find their way off the couch to the door. My father’s heart failure situation has already hung around long enough to lose the welcome it was never offered in the first place. It just arrived unannounced, and it took over our lives and almost claimed his. But, you know, I am thankful for it. The Bible tells us to “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18), not because we should naturally have an affection for both the good and the bad, but because “this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” So,for the sake of my faith in the perfection of God's will, I’m thankful for my dad’s health struggle. Frankly, it saved his life. This past Thursday, we gathered at Pruitt Healthcare in Forsyth, GA and enjoyed the company of family, as a family…a living, breathing, alive and well family. Had things transpired differently in this situation, my beautiful mother and I would have celebrated together in her home surrounded by God’s love, the love shared between a mother and her child, and an empty chair where my father “used” to sit. It pains me to even think of it; Thanksgiving would have certainly been a different celebration. Life, from that point forward, would have been different. We would have been thankful for my father’s life, my parents’ incredible marriage, and we would have laughed and cried as we remembered the countless times of fun, laughter, and love that we all shared as a family…but, we didn’t have to do any of that. This Thanksgiving, mom and I shared a small Thanksgiving meal together at home before leaving to visit a husband and father who, by God's grace, has emerged victorious on the other side of complete heart failure. Our Thanksgiving was celebrated in a small room, sitting in uncomfortable chairs around a hospital bed, but it could not have been any more perfect. You see, last Thursday, we sat in a rehabilitation room in Forsyth, GA where the will, the grace, the mercy, and the power of God was playing out right before our very eyes. That will, grace, mercy, and power was reflected in my father’s presence, his life, his laughter, his smile…and it was not overlooked. This past Thursday represented the best Thanksgiving that I have ever experienced, because I still have my dad in this world. God has been good; He has certainly been much more than good. I’m so thankful to the hundreds of people who have prayed for my family during this time. Those prayers were heard, and they were answered by a God who continues to amaze me with His goodness, His attentiveness to detail, and, most importantly, His relentless love. That love has been on full display. It’s been easy to see, and I’ve been watching. In the midst of global chaos, difficult economic times, poor governance, racial animosity, health concerns, etc…God is still firmly seated on His throne. He has not surrendered His sovereignty to our insecurities or bad mood. Our recklessly fragile faith has not diminished His power, and it has not tarnished His love for us. He has surrounded us with His love, and we should be paying attention! We’re past the planned celebration of a national Thanksgiving, but let’s continue on into a planned mindset of daily thankfulness for the blessings of life. It’s been said that chance favors the prepared mind. I would suggest that thankfulness favors the prepared mind, as well. Prepare your mind to find God’s blessings, His grace, His mercy, and His power everyday…everywhere…even in the bad things. The beauty of God’s blessings so often emerge from between the rugged cracks of turmoil and fear. It’s not that those blessings couldn’t be seen elsewhere; God just knows that’s where we’ll be looking.
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If you’re following these posts, you’ve read about some incredible progress regarding the health of my father over the past month. That progress continues, and he’s getting better slowly but surely. Every health need has been addressed, and every concern has been met with a grace that could only stem from the richness and love of God’s compassionate hand. He’s been attentive to the prayers of our family, and He has met every need with His overwhelming abundance. “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:19 (ESV) Let me take a moment to praise and thank a God who “has been there all the time.” The traces of His handiwork have been on full display, and He continues to work through dad’s situation to this very day. I simply cannot say enough about God's presence and undeniable activity throughout the course of the past 40 days. He's been faithful. Below are the updates I posted on Facebook from November 14th-22nd. Have a blessed day! November 14th, 2:33 PM I just received a phone call from my father that has caused me to stop working on Christmas music and share… During his therapy today, one of the therapists was playing checkers. He saw this, and mentioned it to her. She challenged him to a game, and he, in his own terminology, "wiped her out." LOL My father has always loved checkers. Obviously, he still plays the game pretty well… November 17th, 8:17 PM Update on dad… I arrived safely to Georgia today, and I was greeted by a father that I haven't seen in a long time. He's still moving slowly, but his personality is back, his energy level is up, and he has definitely made a lot of progress over the past week. His recovery is moving forward, and I am so thankful! Sitting here, I'm reminded that only a little over one month ago he was ventilated and in a very desperate health situation. Today, he's well on the road to recovery, and I'm amazed. God is good. Let's leave it at that. He's forever good. November 19th, 12:27 PM Dad's feeling great today. He's lost about 40 pounds. Turns out, heart failure does wonders for shedding some extra weight. He's sitting up now for most of the day, walking on his own, eating great, and beating his therapists at checkers. He's ready to go home, and we're ready to have him home, but he still has a little further to go. It won't be much longer; he is headed in the right direction! Thank you all for your continued prayers! During my weekend visit on November 19th, we brought my Dad's dog, Max, to see visit with him in rehab. At this point, they had not seen each other for over one month, and they were both excited! We also took the time to snap a few pictures. They are below... November 19th, 9:32 PM
It’s Saturday night, November 19, 2016, and it’s day number 37 of what’s been an incredible road for my father…a road from heart failure to recovery. I’ve just returned from a weekend with both of my parents, and I’m delighted to report that my father has finally emerged from the haze of the health problems and medical procedures he’s undergone over the past weeks. His personality is back, and he’s doing great! Although the recovery process is still not completed, Dad is rushing forward everyday, and my spirit is renewed as I see him winning this fight. We’ve come a long way from the events of October 14th, and time has done an awful lot of standing still for me since that date. I feel like it’s finally beginning to move forward again. Nothing can prepare you to endure the images of a parent, against all odds, struggling to survive. The sound of the ventilator mechanically respirating my dad lingers in my mind, as I now watch this 81 year old miracle walk, talk, and laugh. Reanimated from what should have been a certain and complete physiological collapse, He’s been restored. The fiscal cost, to date, for the medical procedures that he’s endured has so far totaled around $400,000. The best that modern medicine has to offer has rallied around his situation. No cost has been spared. Thankfully, they won’t owe a penny. So, let me give a sincere nod of heartfelt appreciation to the staff of incredible physicians, nurses, and techs at Spaulding Regional Hospital and Piedmont Hospital for a job well done. These medical professionals are smart, gifted, and passionate, and they have utilized their gifts to near perfection in his care. They will forever have my gratitude. But, $400,000 did not save my father’s precious life; Jesus did. I’m not referring to saving his life from heart failure; I’m referring to saving it from sin. Had my father lost this battle, as he should have, on the afternoon of October 14, 2016, he would now be in the presence of the Lord, because his failing heart had already been redeemed and restored by the blood of Jesus. That restoration required the life of the very Son of God, a Son who knew my father before he was even born, and a Son who chose to love him through the torment of Calvary. Jesus’ sacrifice for my dad was far more expensive than the simplicity of a hospital bill can reflect. God chose to spare my father a departure from this life on the 14th of last month, and, for that, I am thankful. Frankly, “thankful” doesn’t even touch what I actually feel. Dad is still here, $400,000 has been been spent thus far, the finest physicians have exercised great care and concern in his circumstance, but Jesus is the reason that I could visit with my father this weekend. Jesus is the reason that we all have life. He is the giver and taker of life, and it is within the shadow of His grace that I call Him Lord. To His glory, and for His purposes, I devote my very life to a God so great. November 22nd, 12:00 PM Today has been a great day for my father. He's still feeling well, had some speech therapy, and he's waiting on lunch. His physical therapy has been placed on hold for a moment as they try to figure out a swelling problem in his right ankle. This began to occur on the evening of the 20th, and, yesterday, it was badly swollen and very painful. It's not uncommon for swelling to occur in the feet and legs of heart patients, specifically if their heart is weak. It could be a side effect of the medication. It could be a lot of things. His cardiologist feels that there is no need for concern, so they are just elevating his right leg and waiting at the moment. Today, that swelling is a little better than it was yesterday, so I'm praying that continues. It was our plan to bring dad home for a visit on Thanksgiving Day, but he has decided that he should probably postpone that trip until the swelling diminishes in his ankle. I agree with his assessment, but I will miss him being at home this Thanksgiving. Frankly, I can't remember a Thanksgiving that we have not been together at home as a family...not one. We'll still be together, but this year we'll all be celebrating in Forsyth, GA, at the rehab facility. I'll take it! On a little brighter note, his voice, as of today, seems to have returned to normal! His swallowing is still questionable, but they will begin testing that again next week. They were allowing him to chew on ice chips, but last week, while listening to his lungs, they became aware that he had aspirated the water from those chips into his more ice chips. The therapist gives, and the therapist takes away. But, I am confident that this problem will be resolved soon. I find it a little funny that his life was challenged so intensively by the failure of the most vital organ, and following that resolution, his greatest challenge seems to be caused by the effects of a plastic intubation tube. Bless his heart (in my best southern), he's been through so much, and he's still having to drink thickened liquids. For those of you who love sweet tea, let me assure you, thickened sweet tea is possibly the worst tasting concoction on the face of the earth. Avoid it. Seriously, don't drink it. So, we're looking forward to Thanksgiving in rehab! Hopefully, Christmas will be at home! Either way, God is good, and I am so thankful to have my father alive and well and drinking thickened sweet tea. I have far too many blessing in my life to even try to mention here, and the past month has caused me to become much more attentive to them all. Everyday is a blessing, and everyday is full of grace, and, thankfully, my father is still with me to celebrate them all. Because of God's great grace, I'm looking forward to tomorrow! One of my favorite passage of Scripture is Isaiah 41:10 which gives a very simple, but incredibly profound promise… “…fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10 (ESV) God’s love and presence is always there. Honestly, if we are paying attention, we’ll find that God’s presence and provision tends to absorb the complexity of our circumstances. If we have a submissive heart to the will of God, all of the situations in our life will seemingly melt into His perfect will, but let’s be aware that, for anything to melt, heat must surely be applied. God has had the heat turned up on my father’s life, and the life of my family, over the past 32 days. Heart failure, open heart surgery, CCU, ICU, recovery, rehabilitation, sleepless nights, miles of driving though Atlanta traffic…it’s all taken a toll. In some ways, it’s taken a massive toll on our lives. For my father, the price has been great, but his journey is full of miraculous provision. God has, yet again, proven His sovereign worth through this situation. He’s proven it again and again. A wonderful verse in Lamentations sums up what I have observed in my dad’s life over the past 32 days. This verse says… “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning…” – Lamentations 3:22-23a (ESV) Over and over again, every day, every morning…God’s love has been on full display. It was there in the back of the ambulance as they defibrillated his heart in our driveway, and again on the way to Spaulding Regional Hospital. It was in the ER where they determined that he would not live through the night unless an emergency surgery was performed. It was there in the decision to postpone that surgery and let his body rest, intubated and sedated, in the CCU of Piedmont Hospital. It was there on Sunday night, October 23rd at 3:56 AM, in the CCU that I personally observed God begin begin to allow dad’s heart to drive it’s own rhythm. It was there during his surgery, as they successfully bypassed the most severe blockage, and his heart began to beat as if there were no damage whatsoever. I could continue, but God’s love has been on full display in my father’s life. I thank God for His mercies and His profound love for His children. Dad continues to improve daily. Your prayers are, as always, something that my family is incredibly thankful for in our lives, specifically now. I wouldn’t say that we are nearing the end of his journey, just yet. I believe we’re somewhere in the middle, but the end is coming into sight. And just as God mercies, new every morning, have enabled us to travel this far, I know they will be with us to end…and further. Great is His faithfulness. Below are the updates I’ve posted on Facebook since November 7th. November 7th, 7:18 PM Update on Dad… Today has been a good day for my father. When I left him on Saturday, he was tired and a little lethargic. Again, this is not a bad sign, it's just normal. Yesterday, my mother told me that he had a much better day, and today was even better than Sunday. He's had a few visitors over the past couple of days, he's alert, and she informed me that he has eaten more today than at any other time since this all began. He's also been cleared by his speech therapist to drink Boost shakes, which offers him many nutrients to help his strength. And, he sat up in a chair today for an epic 2 hours. Thus far, that's a new record, and I'm happy that he lasted that long. I can tell that his voice is getting a little stronger, and he even called me on Sunday afternoon. I spoke with him on one occasion today, and we had a great conversation. Things are certainly not back to normal, but he's transitioning in the right direction, and for that, we are thankful. My mother is also doing well. She continues to spend every day with dad, she's sleeping well, and she is encouraged by his progress. So, the past couple of days have been great! Thank you for your prayers! I'll let you know more soon! November 9th, 4:47 PM Update on Dad… In the middle of a very busy day, I've managed to talk to my father twice, and he even called me once! Dad is doing great, and he's slowly beginning to return to his normal self. His voice is getting stronger everyday, and he's finally beginning to eat pretty well. Things are looking good for my wonderful father, and I stand in awe of a God who made that all possible. The time that has elapsed since Oct 14th has been more stressful than I could even imagine. It's odd how that stress manifests itself in your life. It's very intrusive. But, through it all, God has been so good to my family. As the days go by, we hope to see life returning to some type of normal. It may be a new normal for all of us, but it's normalizing to a degree. Again, I can never thank you all enough for your concerned communication, thoughtful compassion, and, mostly, for your earnest prayers for my father and my family. We have felt those prayers, and they hold greater weight in our life than you might imagine. So, Dad is still in rehab, but he's progressing daily. He's fully engaged in therapy, and he's making much greater progress than in the previous week. We're all happy with what we see and hear. Mainly, we're just happy and humbled that God has spared the life of this precious man. God is still in the business of mending broken and damaged hearts. He's still our Healer, and He's forever our King...much more than enough. November 13th, 2:38 PM Update on Dad… It's been a few days since I have shared anything with you guys regarding my dad. Well, he's doing great! Most of his mobility is without assistance! He's moving slowly, but he's moving under his own power and with much more stability. His appetite has returned, and he's eating well. The only concern is that his voice has still not returned to normal, and his swallowing is not as it should be. It's getting better, but the process is very slow. I talk to him daily, and sometimes, he even calls me. We don't talk long, but the conversations to me are a little like having a party on the phone. It's great to hear my father returning to the beauty of his former self. As his strength improves, his personality returns. We have big plans for dad this coming Saturday, as it is our intention to take his dog, Max, to visit with him. He knows nothing of this, and we're looking forward to seeing what happens. My concern is that dad will be thrilled, and Max may have a heart attack. He misses my father, and my father misses him. We're going to have a little reunion this coming weekend. Pray for little Max's heart. Mom is doing great, and she continues to go and spend every day with my father. I'm so touched by their love for each other, and I'm excited for him to be home so they can be together again in a normal setting. My mother is a fighter; she is resilient. I thank God for her love and care for both my father and me. She's much more than we could ever ask for or deserve. To those who have asked...I'm fine. I'm still tired and a little stressed from the enormity of the past 31 days. Stress is awful, and, frankly, it's a new feeling for me. It might have taken this episode to allow me to understand the limits of human endurance, and to realize just how fragile we can be. But, I'm doing well, and I'm looking forward to being with my family this weekend. Many of you all have asked me how much longer he may be in rehab. The simple answer is simply this: I do not know. He's getting much better, but his swallowing will need to return to normal before they release him. Frankly, I'm quite sure his mobility, although improved, still needs much more work. This is day 31 of the journey. It seems like it's been much, much longer, but I am so amazed by the evidence of grace that I have observed since 11:45 AM on October 14th. Many miles have been traveled since then. There have been many days without sleep, and frankly, the immensity of the situation has been overwhelming at times, as I have watched my father's life hang in the balance. The good news is that the balance is securely held in the hands of God. I have been preparing myself for something like this for several years now, and, upon it's arrival, I found myself pitifully unprepared. But, God was not unprepared; He was not taken off guard, and He refused, because of His unfailing grace and love, to leave my family alone for the struggle. He's been right there all the time. He continues to be there. Day 31...God is still on His throne. As if there should have ever been any doubt.... I hope this posting finds everyone doing well! As I promised, I am gathering my Facebook posts, and putting them all together into a timeline of readable events that flow well here on my blog in an effort to help tell Dad's story as he ventures through this health crisis. I've entitled this post "...the Hardest Part," and that's because it is... Dad has come so far since the events of October 14, 2016, and for that journey, I give God all of the glory. Today, he sits in a rehabilitation facility in Forsyth, Georgia trying to regain some bearing on his life. The work on his heart has been accomplished. Miracles have poured from the coffers of Heaven in a manner that simply amazes me. God has been good. Dad is alive, and he's out of the hospital, but the hardest part of this 'walk through adversity' has begun, and it's started in earnest. Leaving the superb hands-on care of Piedmont Hospital was hard. The nurses were informed, attentive, and the care was without equal. However, we have now left the 'promised land.' I'm happy with the facility that he is in; I doubt that we could do better anywhere else, but let's be sure to understand that cardiac rehabilitation is given in nursing homes. Nursing home care is something entirely different than the care offered in the CCU at Piedmont Hospital, and at times, it feels like you're on your own. The therapists are wonderful, but many of the day to day staff of this facility lack the compassion level of his previous caregivers. That can be hard to watch, and it's often beyond my ability to not speak up when I see something improper. It's a much more lackadaisical approach to patient care, and it is what it is. He's still in a good's just different. Dad is now experiencing the weight of what rehabilitation entails. His physical therapists are great, and he's improving, but he's improving very slowly. What we had hoped would be a short stay will probably, after further assessment, be along the path of 5-6 more weeks. For that, I'm both sad and happy. As much as I want him to return home, I also want his return to be one made in strength and a great degree of independence. My mother is not capable of doing the work of his therapists, so he needs as much rehabilitation as he can get to build up his strength. When he leaves this facility, he will also have in-home therapy for a time to continue his recovery. Dad is happy, but I'm fairly certain that he is lonely at times. I have returned to working Sunday through Thursday, and I can only be here on the weekends until he returns home. Mom spends every day with him, but she leaves around 5:00 PM in order to arrive home before night falls. So, he's there alone for a while each day, and I know he doesn't enjoy that. He's still experiencing trouble talking and swallowing, so he continues to be on a thickening diet of 'jello-like' liquids. He is eating a little better, but there's no steak and potatoes offered at his bedside. The foods are bland, and I'm sure he's a little tired of that as well. He's lost a lot of weight. He was trying to lose a little weight before all of this transpired, so...check that off of the 'to-do' list for the immediate future! Heart failure has proven to be a very effective weight loss plan, but I wouldn't recommend it to you. Just "cut back." His mobility is increasing, but it's increasing very slowly. He's always been so active, and I'm quite sure that he's ready to get back to that type of life...but right now, the strength in his legs, arms, and back is just not available to do so. It will return, but it will take time. Don't let this post depress you...he's doing very well, but these are the hard things of recovery, things that must be endured to pass through the gauntlet of the weak and into the arena of the strong. My father is a strong man, he's just lost his grip on that reality for a will return. He's been cut on, stuck, pocked, and prodded enough over the past three weeks to squeeze the fight out of anyone. His tenacity is returning; I can see it peeking through, but it will just take more time. So, please continue to take a moment each day and lift my dad (and mom and me) up in your prayers. We're all tired and physically and emotionally drained, but the days ahead are promising, and God is still faithful! Matthew 11:28-29 continually enters my thoughts over the past 22-23 days. It simply says this... "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:28-29 (ESV) God is there; He's always there. In the middle of everything, God has been present, enabling miracles, providing strength, and calming His child. My friend, Janet Paschal, recorded a great song many years ago called, "Jesus Will Still Be There." Point of Grace picked it up later, but Janet sang it originally, and it is her voice that I hear singing these lyrics... Things change, plans fail, You look for love on a grander scale Storms rise, hopes fade, and you place your bets on another day When the going gets tough, when the ride's too rough When you're just not sure enough Jesus will still be there. His love will never change, sure as the steady rain Jesus will still be there. When no one else is true, He'll still be loving you When it looks like you've lost it all, and you haven't got a prayer Jesus will still be there Time flies, hearts turn, a little bit wiser from lessons learned But sometimes, weakness wins, and you lose your foothold once again When the going gets tough, when the ride's too rough When you're just not sure enough Jesus will still be there. His love will never change, sure as the steady rain Jesus will still be there. When no one else is true, He'll still be loving you When it looks like you've lost it all, and you haven't got a prayer Jesus will still be there When it all just becomes to much, and the ride is too rough...Jesus will still be there. He never left in the first place. I'm thankful for a living father, a wonderful mother, and a Savior who holds my feeble, uncertain, and often untrusting hand when the ride gets too rough. Below are my posts from the last couple of days... November 2nd, 4:15 PM Update on Dad… I don't have a lot of information to share with you today, but it's all good! In my last post, he had not had a great day. He was very tired and weak. Yesterday and today have been much better. I actually just got off of the phone with my father. He is still having a lot of trouble talking, but they are working with him on that situation, and I hope that begins to get better soon. It actually has gotten a little better over the past week, so we're praying it continues to improve. They have him up and moving around more lately, but they are having to start his mobility rehab very slowly. When you see me post that he is weak, please know that he is very weak and tires out quickly. He's been sitting up more lately, and I can see and hear small improvements daily. My mom said that, over the past two days, he seems to be much more alert than he has been since this all began on October 14th. I made a deal with my father today. That deal is this: when he can walk outside, I will bring Max (his dog) to see him. He seemed to like the thought of that, and dad may be doing push ups and jogging in the hallway of the rehab facility this afternoon. God has done such tremendous things during the course of this situation, and I'm thankful. Tomorrow, I get to see my father again for the first time since Saturday. I've missed him, and I'm anxious to see him again. It feels like the anticipation of going home for Christmas, and I'm glad that being in my families presence holds that type of excitement for me. If your parents are still alive, take a moment to realize that everything can change with just a phone call. When that phone call arrives, and rest assured that it will, our list of priorities change, and they change immediately. Take notice of the moments of grace that God gives us with those we love. Time passes quickly, parents age, and health fades...but the goodness of God is from everlasting to everlasting. I thank God for my parents, and for the grace they bring into my life daily. Again, God is good; He's very good. November 4th, 12:38 PM I made it safely to Georgia to see my father this's been 6 days...too long! The good news is that he's looking good! He was tired when I arrived, because it was late....but we talked for over two hours. It's great to sit down and actually have a conversation with him again. I'm still in awe of his progress since this all started on October 14th. I'll update more tomorrow when I've spent more time with him. Please continue to keep him in your prayers! November 4th, 4:23 PM Lookin' good! It's been a great day so far...a little speech/swallow therapy, a little physical therapy, a freshly shaved face, visits from a few's been busy! I'm proud of my father and his progress! He's drank more today, and he's swallowing a little better. His appetite is still a little sketchy, but that will return in time. His heart is beating strong. His blood pressure is good, and God is still working miracles in the life of this wonderful man. I'm so very blessed with both of these wonderful people! November 4th, 6:30 PM My mother just posted this on Facebook, and it's so, so true... This poster, and it's message, evoked a response from me....
Evidence of real love is something much greater than the simplicity of spoken words. Real love is the personal investment of our time, actively stepping away from our pride and choosing to live a life of forgiveness, and it's choosing to be available in times of sickness and in times of health. It's the outward reflection of affection, and the private act of holding up those we love to God in prayer. Real love is lived out...not just spoken. We only have a set number of days to reflect that love to those our hearts adore. Don't waste the moments. |
AuthorKeith Beatty is a Worship, Missions and Media Pastor living in North Alabama. He's excited and very humbled to be a follower of Jesus Christ! Archives
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